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Weak links

Yesterday I started reading Barabasi's "Linked: The New Science of Networks". It's inspiring, in many ways. It makes me realize how different my life is, compared to most nodes in the social network of human connections. I have many connections, but compared to most people, most of my links are weak. I met so many people in so many places, mostly for very brief periods - i.e. a ride in their car, staying one night at someone's home. Or just meeting someone randomly in the street. Besides these realizations, the book is also giving me more energy to move TrustLet forward. Last month I was a bit pre-occupied with the way CouchSurfing is organized. I hope there will be an announcement, that CS is just a service from now on, and that many occurrences of "participation" and "participate" will be removed from the website. Anyway, there will be a big campaign to attract volunteers and members to BeWelcome in October.