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I had a dream. I woke up. It's 22:03. I think, I was in China in my dream. It's the same dream I had over the weekend. People were valking around with little devices. Recording reality. Broadcasting reality. A blind man was walking around, seeing. With this device. He had no eyes. We were losing control though. China, or I think it was rather BigCorps combined, were taking away our power to record and registrate what was going on.

The Wiki Party - closer to reality

Last year I did a BoF at Wikimania 2006 about The Wiki Party, the idea to start a political party. Today Anu sent me a link to a Facebook group with this same title. I jokingly told people "when I'm 40 years old I will start this party if no one else did before then". Fortunately I won't have to, anymore. Of course, it's happenning in Finland. Olli Sirén was considering to run a campaign to the Helsinki City Council.