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Javascript everwhere: PhoneGap and Node.js (and no Eclipse)

Got into PhoneGapApache Cordova a little while back. First I got into Titanium Appcelerator, thanks to my friend Silvio. But Titanium was all Eclipsy and then when I wanted to do some coding in the train I found out that I needed to be online to code in Titanium. I do have Ben Internet in the Netherlands and Mobile Vikings in Belgium but it's not always working amazingly in a moving train and this restriction was a tad bit too much.

It took me some time to set up Cordova without Eclipse. Finally I found android terminal quickstart, which mostly boils down to making sure the Android SDK is living somewhere, its tools/ directory is in your path, and ditto for Apache Ant, the build tool.

After that you only really need to do ant debug install from the android/ directory meanwhile making sure your Android phone is connected through USB.

I coded some basic Android stuff and I can say it's nice to get more into JS.
I helped Kenny to set this stuff up on his Windows machine so then I was ready to rethink server stuff. So I started looking at Node.js again. Well, again, I only briefly played with it for an hour or so. Now I was more decided to take this to an interesting level. And interesting it is!

I started fooling around with Express.js, meanwhile checking out some more goodness that's around. Pedro Teixeira's tutorial videos have been really helpful. But I also came across fun things such as Now.js, which deserve a bit more attention in the short future.

And meanwhile my arm feels as if it's new. I can't wait till next year for the Google Glasses... So meanwhile I ordered the MyndPlay BrainBand.
