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This is an incomplete list of projects and websites that I've worked on over the years. See also my curriculum vitae.

Bouwbedrijf Marell

I have built a website for construction company Marell in the South of Limburg with information about construction using concrete and about the projects that Marell BV is realizing in the area.

Ik heb een website gebouwd voor Bouwbedrijf Marell in Zuid Limburg. is a Dutch language project to gather information about free software content relationship management and content management systems. It's both a blog and wiki, which is as of June 2010 still only editable by myself.


Hitchwiki is a wiki about hitchhiking. It grew out of another wiki about hitchhiking. At the end of 2006, when I was at the CS Collective in New Zealand, MrTweek and I decided to start a new independent wiki and Hitchwiki was born.


I'm hosting a lot of different websites. Many wikis running MediaWiki and a lot of websites running Drupal. I mostly host through Hetzner, which is running on green electricity.

Hosting Rank a Brand

Rank a Brand is a website for consumers to compare transparency, greenness and fairness of popular brands. By buying the brands with the best rankings you can help creating a better world. The more people will be doing this, the bigger the incentive for companies to be transparent, green and fair.

Noach Kinderopvang

I created a new website for Noach Kinderopvang Maastricht, based on Drupal and a design they had for a couple of years already, for a static website.

I'll continue in Dutch: Noach is een kinderopvangorganisatie gebaseerd op antropofisch-pedagogische inzichten, en bestaat uit een kinderdagverblijf, een babyhuis, een peutergroep en een buitenschoolse opvang.

Online Druckerei

Dieses Jahr begann ich Arbeit an einer Online-Marketing Strategie für eine neue Internetdruckerei auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt. Diese Arbeit unterscheidet sich ziemlich von meinen früheren Tätigkeiten und ich lerne vieles Neues, sowohl technische als auch soziale Dinge. Ich bin verantwortlich für fast die ganze Sache – das Aussehen und Aufsicht der Seite, SEO, Programmierung, soziale Netzwerke, Inhalt und viel mehr.

2015 Fazit

Leider hat das Projekt nicht so geklappt wie man es sich vorgestellt hatte. Immerhin geht es weiter mit Websites auf deutsch, wie zum Beispiel Schnell Kredit von Privat.

P2P foundation

Since 2007 I've provided technical support to the P2P foundation. Both the MediaWiki installation as well as some work related to the WordPress blog.


Sharewiki is a wiki about Sharing. We started on November 6, 2008.

Teak Table US

Teak Table site for the US market.


Trashwiki was started in 2008. My friend Robin told me to register after a brainstorm in casarobino. Honestly, I didn't immediately see the point, but it didn't take long. A global guide for dumpster divers with information on how to, where and what to dumpster dive was born.


In 2007 I've been researching trust metrics for social networks, with Paolo Massa. I started a framework in Python to create and analyse datasets, available under the GNU GPL and I started the wiki, available under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

Vakantie Zuid-Limburg is an attempt to create a complete website about a very specific topic: going on holiday in my native grounds.


wik2dict is a tool I wrote in Python. It converts MediaWiki SQL dumps into the DICT format.

I'm not actively maintaining this anymore, Aard Dictionary seems the way to go.

Zwembad Aanleg was started as a proof of concept, to see if I could build a website quickly about a topic we didn't know so much - yet.