#upgraded #Belgium versie 3 is ingeschakeld. #Germany versie 1 is ingeschakeld. #Netherlands versie 1 is ingeschakeld. #ubercart #drupal
#nice way to have specific part of #drupal menu expanded only on frontpage: add disabled menu item <front> inside the part of the menu
.error { display: none; } just found this beauty while cleaning up a badly done #drupal #theme - ostrich #css
building my first link directory site, #drupal 7 of course - http://siteaanmelden.eu/ #link #toevoegen #website #aanmelden
revamped industree site needs some work still - already functional though http://industree.org/audio/id-like-shower-industree - #drupal
Building my 1st #d7 site with views, context, #piwik, google analytics and some custom modules, and all the goodness in core #lovely #drupal
I have to turn on #drupal #css aggreggation to debug CSS - in #internetexplorer (31 CSS files is not enough) #funny
http://drupal.org/project/primary_term #drupal module to specify which taxonomy term should be the "primary" term for a node
nice #drupal #openid module http://drupal.org/project/openid_selector