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Recursively create lowercase symlinks to filenames with uppercase letters - in Python

I'm working on a project to convert a big ASP website into Drupal. On Windows OSes there is not really a distinction between upper and lower case characters in filenames. At first I thought to just leave the capitals, but on web pages links were sometimes with capitals and sometimes lowercase. So I added some stuff to the Apache configuration, usually inside the VirtualHost directive (this does not work in .htaccess):


RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap lc int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]

Noach Kinderopvang

I created a new website for Noach Kinderopvang Maastricht, based on Drupal and a design they had for a couple of years already, for a static website.

I'll continue in Dutch: Noach is een kinderopvangorganisatie gebaseerd op antropofisch-pedagogische inzichten, en bestaat uit een kinderdagverblijf, een babyhuis, een peutergroep en een buitenschoolse opvang.

Support for Dutch sites in Drupal Service Links

For my little project site about swimming pool construction I decided I needed some way to spread links better over Dutch sites. So I hacked around a little bit in Drupal's Service Links module and I just uploaded some files to support nujij en eKudos. I want to add some more Dutch sites, but there ain't that many it seems.


I'm hosting a lot of different websites. Many wikis running MediaWiki and a lot of websites running Drupal. I mostly host through Hetzner, which is running on green electricity.

Vakantie Zuid-Limburg is an attempt to create a complete website about a very specific topic: going on holiday in my native grounds.
