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Online Druckerei

Dieses Jahr begann ich Arbeit an einer Online-Marketing Strategie für eine neue Internetdruckerei auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt. Diese Arbeit unterscheidet sich ziemlich von meinen früheren Tätigkeiten und ich lerne vieles Neues, sowohl technische als auch soziale Dinge. Ich bin verantwortlich für fast die ganze Sache – das Aussehen und Aufsicht der Seite, SEO, Programmierung, soziale Netzwerke, Inhalt und viel mehr.

2015 Fazit

Leider hat das Projekt nicht so geklappt wie man es sich vorgestellt hatte. Immerhin geht es weiter mit Websites auf deutsch, wie zum Beispiel Schnell Kredit von Privat.

WordPress command line interface

Drush is an amazing tool to manage Drupal installation from the command line. The other day I was once more annoyed at the lack of such tool for dealing with WordPress, more specifically keeping a WordPress site up-to-date. I started coding and quickly I had a couple of useful commands. But then I stumbled upon WP-CLI

Upgraded to Drupal 7, moneyless

It was about time. I finally managed to upgrade to Drupal 7. It was actually very easy once I had my Aegir setup fixed. I just needed to migrate the site to the Drupal 7 platform. Like often with technology, Aegir can be quite nice when things work smoothly.

Next I have to clean up the site a little bit and customize the Bootstrap theme that I chose as a base theme.

And then last weekend I was at a very special event.

My first mobile site, in Drupal of course

In 2008 I built my first Drupal site, for a furniture business. The site proved to be a big success and we started some other furniture sites as well later on. I also worked on many other Drupal sites and the web in general hasn't been standing still. So last year we decided it was time for an upgrade. Not as easy as thought with a site that is ranking extremely well for a wide range of keywords. It also appeared more difficult to get to a new design.
